Chapter 8 - Video Lectures

provided by:

Khan Academy

Video Clips are linked from the Khan Academy (
a not-for-profit organization with the mission of providing world class educational opportunities to anyone, anywhere. There are thousands of free videos and practice problems available.

For CNCC students, the videos do not match what is covered in the book or in the class room lectures on a one to one basis, and are meant to be a supplement, not a replacement, for classroom lectures.

8.1-8.3 Conversions - Length, Weight, and Capacity

Converting Yards into Inches
Converting units of length
Converting pounds to ounces
Converting Gallons to quarts pints and cups

8.1-8.3 Arithmetic with Units - Length, Weight, and Capacity

Adding different units of length
Adding different units for weight
Application problems involving units of weight
Performing arithmetic calculations on units of volume
Solving application problems involving units of volume

8.4 Time

Additional Material: Conversions with Multiple Units

Speed translation
Unit Conversion Example: Drug Dosage